Free iTunes Gift Card Generator

Free iTunes Gift Card Generator

The iTunes Store is a software-based online digital media store operated by Apple. Opening as the iTunes Music Store on April 28, 2003, with over 200,000 items to purchase, it is, as of April 2008, the number-one music vendor in the United States.[1] On February 24, 2010, the store served its 10 billionth song download; this major milestone was reached in just under seven years of being online.[2] iTunes accounts for 70% of worldwide online digital music sales, making the service the largest legal music retailer.[3] While most downloaded files have previously included restrictions on their use, enforced by FairPlay, Apple’s implementation of digital rights management, iTunes initiated a shift into selling DRM-free music in most countries, marketed as iTunes Plus. On January 6, 2009, Apple announced that DRM had been removed from 80% of the entire music catalog in the U.S.[4] Full iTunes Plus availability was achieved on April 7, 2009 in the U.S., coinciding with the introduction of a three-tiered pricing model,[5] however TV shows and Movies are still FairPlay protected.

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