Free Habbo Coins Generator

Free Habbo Coins Generator

Habbo (previously known as Habbo Hotel) is a social networking website aimed at teenagers. The website is owned and operated by Sulake Corporation. The service began in 2000 and has expanded to include 11 online communities (or “hotels”), with customers in over 150 countries.[1] As of February 2011 over 200 million avatars have been registered.[2] There are an average 18 million unique visitors monthly,[3] and 100,000 avatars are being created every day.Habbo stemmed from a 1999 hobby project by creative designer Sampo Karjalainen and technologist Aapo Kyrölä called Mobiles Disco for a Finnish band, a virtual chat room running on Aapo’s Fuse technology. After having been contracted to design a virtual game and chat called Lumisota (Snow Wars) for a Finnish ISP, Elisa, they were contracted for another project. They developed Hotelli Kultakala (eng. Hotel Goldfish) with a small team of developers and it was launched in August 2000 on the ISP’s web portal.

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