Louder Volume Hack

Louder Volume Hack v5.0.0 (Android)(Newest version)
Use the louder volume hack app to make the speaker louder !

It's pretty good , you can change between all volume hacks with the press of a button.

The sound quality is slightly better in both the external speaker and headphones but the headphone volume is much, much louder. It is NOT recomended to have it set to full volume when listening to music through the headphones.

New features:
+ Completely redesigned theme
+ New hi-res Icon (same as the last one but better quality)

+ Spinners (drop down boxes) instead of loads of radio buttons
+ Pushing process improved

+ New Root and compatibility checks

+ Shows which version you are currently using

+ Been coded completely from scratch

+ T-Mobile G1 / HTC Dream
+ T-Mobile MyTouch 3G / HTC Magic / HTC Sapphire
+ T-Mobile Touch / HTC Hero
+ T-Mobile Pulse

+ HTC Droid Eris

+ HTC Tattoo
+ All HTC Devices prior to the Nexus

Not compatible:
+ Nexus One
+ Desire

+ Acer A1
+ Dell Streak
+ The LG Optimus range

+ All Motorola Devices
+ All Samsung Devices
+ All Sony Ericsson Devices

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